API Change protocol - 20230823 - Start reservation date

What we want to change:

Insert a new attribute startReservationDate into the request for PATCH /v2/reservation

Why we want to change:

To allow partners to rebook or change the reservation time based on the startReservationDate and expirationDate attribute pair

When we want to change:

Stage environment:

During sprint No.2320, i.e. no later than No.2321

Since 22. 9. 2023

Production environment:

During sprint No.2320, i.e. no later than No.2321

Since 26. 9. 2023

Affected enpoints

PATCH /v2/reservation

Example of change:

PATCH /parcel-lockers/v2/reservation { "data": { "reservation": { "id": "RES123", "attributes": { "startReservationDate": "2023-08-23T08:00:00.000Z", "expirationDate": "2023-08-23T14:00:00.000Z" } } } }