API Change Protocol - 20230626 - Barcode attribute

What we want to change:

Add an ability to filter reservations by package’s barcode

Why we want to change:

  • To filter reservations by package’s barcode

When we want to change:

Test environment: 3.7.2023

Production environemnt: 6.7.2023

Affected enpoints

GET /v2/reservations

Example of change:

When a caller wants to filter reservations by package’s barcode (focus on a request and barcode filter).


GET /parcel-lockers/v2/reservations?filter[barcode]=NB0235067241M&filter[status]=RETURNED&page[limit]=20&page[offset]=0'


{ "data": { "reservations": [ { "id": "4da5bea2-337d-44ac-97c8-bcee546e5459", "attributes": { "status": "RETURNED", "createdAt": "2023-06-14T08:57:14.71Z", "expirationDate": "2023-06-16T05:00:00Z", "startReservationDate": "2023-06-14T09:02:00Z", "packages": [ { "depth": 16.5, "height": 7, "width": 13.5, "barcode": "NB0235067241M", "packageState": "TAKEN_OUT_BY_SHIPPER" } ], "paymentData": null, "pin": "", "type": "TIME" }, "relationships": { "box": { "id": 2677, "pid": "70305" } } } ] }, "metadata": null, "errors": null }

API specification diff:

Specs PR